What Do I Want

I have not NEARLY the level of your accomplishments, but I’m a streetfighter and I know how people like Trump think and how to beat people like him without lowering myself to his/their level(s).

What Do I Want

975,000 $ for all of my Copyrighted © campaign up front - - includes ads, slogan and attire ideas.
PLUS 1 $ for each article of clothing sold.
HOWEVER, I don’t want someone else making 7$ for each item sold. I want the $ going towards the campaign. I don’t want any person or entity making more than 2 times what I’m making. What this means is if you set up a commerce site selling my stuff and you want 4$ for each item, then I want 2; the balance can go towards the campaign or local campaigns to take back the Senate.

If Biden (or whoever) FAILS TO WIN our financial arrangement is completed.

If Biden WINS, my pay goes to 9.75 million (including the 975K already paid)        
AND I may decide I want some kind of credit for the campaign(s);
AND I would like to be invited to ALL hosted events/fundraisers for the remainder of the winner’s first (and second) term(s) free of charge;
AND I would like to be considered for the position of Title IX Czar

AND I would like to be considered for Head Mess Cleaner Upper (this includes but is not limited to: getting Title IX back on track; undoing the wreck that’s been made of the CFPB; getting police departments across the Nation on board with a new system of hiring and firing cops; and possibly other initiatives).

I’m a thinker.
I’m a tactician.
I’m an idea person.
I’ve always been known as a problem solver.

I would love to work with you on this campaign…
America (our Democracy) will not survive 4 more years with him running it.

BTW: If this campaign is purchased by an entity such as the Lincoln Project, then obviously you can’t guarantee any position or perks associated with the new administration.