Richard Hart - Resume

  • age 17

    graduate high school

    recipient Outstanding Student Award for community service

  • age 17

    passed real estate exam 1 day before 18th birthday

  • age 18

    graduate College of San Mateo - - 6 months after graduating high school

    a.s. Administration of Justice - - with honors

  • age 18

    joined Trotter Realty

    salesman of the month 2nd full month in the business

  • age 20

    scholarship awarded by National Association of Realtors
    scholarship awarded by California Association of Realtors

    only individual to ever receive both awards simultaneously

  • age 20

    graduate College of San Mateo

    a.s. Sociology and a.a. Real Estate - - with honors
    received g.r.i. (Graduate Realtor Institute)

  • age 20

    graduate U.C. Berkeley

    b.s. Political Science - - minor in Sociology

  • age 20

    passed real estate broker exam - - one of the youngest ever to do so

  • age 22

    admitted to California Association of Realtors teaching staff

    youngest member of staff

  • age 18-23

    sold real estate

  • age 23

    joined Fi-Tech Mortgage – 7 offices with over 45 agents

    salesman of the month 2nd full month in the business

  • age 24

    assigned regional manager position with Fi-Tech Mortgage

  • age 24

    founded and ran NSIS Financial Corp. - - a mortgage brokerage company

  • age 24-36

    primary individual responsible for running NSIS operations

    company had highest per agent volume in the industry 3 offices (15,000 sq ft) 60 members NSIS parceled and sold

  • age 36-present

    independent consulting

    specializing in problem solving and dispute resolution

community work

  • Aid to Victims and Witnesses
  • sat on board of directors American Cancer Society
  • various committee work for local boards of realtors
  • fundraising activities American Heart Association
  • various “builds” Habitat for Humanity
  • miscellaneous church volunteer stuff