Books and Programs

Richard’s Written/Developed

Keep Your Daughter Safe: ways young women can prevent sexual assault

Tanya Brown, sister of Nicole Brown-Simpson called this book “a must read for every woman in America.” This book is not meant to scare its readers, but to give young women the information necessary to avoid situations that could lead to rape or sexual assault.

There is NO OTHER BOOK LIKE THIS in America.
A Grand Award Winner in Writing Excellence, Keep Your Daughter Safe is a quick, yet thorough guide, that teenage girls will ACTUALLY READ.
It is not a book of horror stories, instead it takes its reader through situations that many people have no idea can lead to sexual assaults.
Much of the information found in this book exists nowhere else.

Hit the Brakes on Car Repair Rip-Offs

Complete and thorough, this award winning book will save you and your loved ones thousands of dollars in unnecessary repairs.

This is not a book on how to change your own oil. Nor is it a book filled with hundreds of stories about lying, cheating or thieving repair shops.
HTB is a down-to-earth, easy to read, COMPLETE guide on how to avoid being ripped-off by unscrupulous mechanics.

The book also contains sections on common problems and how to diagnose and deal with them. And where to go to handle many repair issues. The book also contains sections that address driving safety and tips for maintaining a safe vehicle.

LifeLines: inspirational quotes on money, health, relationships and living

LifeLines contains informative quotes from the famous and well-known (Socrates, Kennedy, Ghandi, etc.) as well as the not-so-well-known (Richard Hart).
It’s a neat little book that provides its reader with quality quotations.


Strength of Character and Perseverance
The “Impossible”
On Being Good
On Government and War

The Zen of Sales

“The world is sales.” RH. Everything from negotiating date night to getting your kids to eat green things, carries a sales component.

Zen of Sales was written by Richard Hart, a top sales trainer. It contains insights that are not commonly shared in your run-of-the-mill sales training writings.
It’s a quick, and easy to read, tips manual on how to become more proficient at one of the world’s greatest professions.

Fast Way to an A™

FWA is a study skills program developed to assist junior high schoolers in obtaining better grades.

Fast Way to an A™ was developed by a teacher, then principal at the prestigious Brentwood School in Los Angeles. It was further enhanced by Richard Hart to make it easier to understand and implement.

FWA does NOT tutor students; nor does it teach memorization, which is oftentimes what occurs in the learning environment.
No. Instead the program helps its users to become better studiers and receivers of information - - and in record time with minimal effort.

FWA has produced quantifiable results in the very next testing periods – not 3 or 6 months later, but the VERY NEXT TESTING PERIOD.
Report cards have shown immediate results as well, oftentimes moving grades 2 levels. Ds became Bs and Cs and Bs became As.

This program can alter a child’s life. Not only can children obtain better grades almost overnight, but they’ll be learning how to read and listen to information differently.
The skills taught by Fast Way to an A™ are easily transferred into the real world.

Finish That Book: how to write a quality book in a weekend

Don’t let the title fool you; FTB takes the writer from idea inception through obtaining a physical, in-your-hand copy of that book.
It’s a quality A to Z, trainer that literally takes you through each step to completing your book in record time.
Users have confirmed that FTB makes the book writing process quick and easy.


LinkedIn is one of the greatest social networks ever developed. Users who understand how to use this network can reach virtually any person in the world - - and FAST.

LI123 contains SHORT AND SIMPLE videos covering the most important points you need in order to construct a quality profile and obtain quality connections - - FAST.

Developed by Richard Hart, the techniques shared in this program enabled him to go from 0 connections to more than 10,000 in a single 12 month period. These were not junk connections containing name collectors nor IT people from 3rd world nations; no, they were HIGH QUALITY connections that ranged from movie stars to judges on the Supreme Court.
During that same period of time, Richard was able to achieve the 1% status on 3 different occasions. (1% status refers to the number of views a user’s profile receives during any given month.)
It took Richard less than 30 days from creating his profile to obtain All-Star status. (All-Star was part of a rating system that took into account the quality of a user’s profile that contained certain benchmarks.)

LinkedIn123 permits its users to rapidly accelerate their agenda of reaching key members of society, who they may serve or who may serve them.