What Do I Have

please be sure you read down to the bottom of the page - - there are free tips that Biden should ABSOLUTELY follow. Thx.

I have a VERY KOOL Trademarked slogan. Not quite as good as MAGA - - but pretty kool. And it can be carried into the 2024 re-election campaign.

I have a very kool series of television ads. Ads that will shake people (Trump supporters included) into getting him out of office.
These ads are SUPER EASY to implement utilizing voice-over-graphics more than anything else.

I have a bunch of T-shirt ideas that people will LOVE to purchase and wear and could also be worn at rallies (if any are held prior to the election).

The campaign needs to hit Trump’s base. It’s almost useless to go after Democrats since I don’t believe they’ll make the same stupid mistake of not voting for the supported Democratic candidate the way they did in 2016.

The attack must be multi-pronged and be MUCH more than just, “Vote for me; I’m better than the other guy.”
THE ADS HAVE TO GO STRAIGHT FOR THE JUGULAR, but in a manner that has people sit up and take notice - - NOT tune out.

This election is scheduled to go to Trump.
I’m willing to stake my life on the fact that my system can unseat him.

I’m a streetfighter. I know how to beat a streetfighter.

But it’s a delicate walk because the candidate canNOT lower himself (herself) to Trump’s level. There still must be a certain air of “style” to the campaign.
The kind of thing that makes people laugh while still getting them to say, “I need to vote for Biden.”

HERE ARE SOME FREE TIPS - - to show that I know what I’m talking about and should absolutely be used whether or not you purchase my ad campaign.


  • Unify Demo Party - - get rogues (OAC etc.) in line at least until after election
    There are probably 5 people in the United States that could go toe-to-toe against Trump and come out on top - - and Biden is not one of them!
  • QUIT TALKING ABOUT TAKING GUNS and/or gun control in general.
    You want to take some measures about getting guns out of bad guys’ hands - - do it after the election.
    Gun Nuts come out by the millions when they think someone wants their guns. This is the ONLY group in America willing to die for their cause - - e.g. “You won’t take my guns until you pry them from my cold, dead fingers.” Is a woman wanting an abortion willing to die for that right? Probably not.
  • QUIT TALKING ABOUT RAISING TAXES.  Raise them after election.
    Corporations pay based on their dividend - - no matter what their deductions or offsets - - the name will be the CAMT – Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax
    Corporations that have no dividend - - companies like Uber that are still “losing money” even though they’re worth 10s or 100s of Billions - - taxed based on valuation - - maybe 1 or 2 %
    Individuals with incomes exceeding 10 million per year taxed at whatever rate is decided - - but probably should be in the vicinity of 29%.
    Individuals cashing in stock options taxed at ordinary rates NOT as capital gains.
    Individuals and entities trading stocks or commodities - - taxed at 50% if not held for at least 29 days; 40% unless held for more than 6 months; 25% if not held for 2 years or more.
    Wipe Out estate tax exemptions. There is no legitimate reason that someone inheriting $ that they have done NOTHING to obtain, should be free from taxation on what is basically, free money.
    High Income earners who have not filed are offered amnesty if they pay within 1 calendar month. If they do not file and pay, the IRS AGGRESSIVELY goes after them - - freezing their assets until they’ve cleared their cases. This group of people owes our Country approximately 50 billion $ right now. How is this okay?!??!
  • Quit talking about required free medical care - -
    “We support legislation that gets care for anybody who wants it. If you have your own insurance - - great; if not - - we’ll help you get insured.”
    Where do you stand on feminism?
    What do you mean by feminism? If you mean that women should be paid less than men for the same work… I believe
    that’s illegal and it should be.
    If you’re referring to it being okay to rape or sexually assault women of any age… that’s illegal as well and it should be.
    YOU DON’T HAVE TO RE-SELL DEMOCRATS. These talking points are just grabbed by the ultra-right and converted to their talking points - - e.g. “They want to close our police departments…”
    Remind ALL voters that voting independent is a vote for Trump; voting for Kanye is a vote for Trump; NOT VOTING is a vote for Trump.

This election MUST BE a BLOW-OUT.
3 million means nothing. All that says is that Hillary took California.
10/15 million makes it next to impossible to say there was fraud or any other ridiculous excuse that permits Trump to reamin in White House after defeat.


Trump is going to FLOOD ALL MEDIA OUTLETS between October 1st and the election - - maybe even starting mid-September

YOU’VE GOTTA have people wearing Tshirts and caps the way Trump does - - not just at rallies, but everywhere.
Paraphernalia also puts money into Democratic campaigns.

GET ME IN FRONT OF Zuckerberg,
and in 5 minutes I’ll have him so scared he’ll make sure there is ZERO Russian interference in 2020.

Get me in front of Jack Dorsey,
and after 5 minutes with me he’ll have assigned a fulltime Trump person just sitting there deleting items that conflict with Twitter’s Terms of Service.

We canNOT allow these social media platforms to be hijacked again.