Richard Hart

Professional Consultant

Trump is a MASTER at manipulating the media.

Trump poses the single greatest threat to our Democracy that has ever been seen.

Trump has TROUNCED his own reputation, yet his allies (in both Congress and America at large) stand steadfast beside him; the stock market continues (after unBELIEVABLE losses) its rise to its previous state; while the economy gets worse with the passing of each new day; each day more and more people and entities bend to his will - - no matter how insane or unthinking it may be.

If you’re grandfather spoke the way Trump does and somebody said to you, “Gee Tom, I think your grandfather should run for President.”
You’d quickly respond with something like, “Are you kidding me?!?!? The guy’s a nut!”

Yet millions of people across this country are willing to give this man another 4 years.

Trump is going to win the next election, just as he won the last - - the only difference is that this time, people won’t be able to act surprised.


The only way to beat him will be at his own game.
The effort must include a strong slogan and catchy information directed at his primary base and secondarily at everyone else.

I have such a campaign and it will blow anything that has EVER been done in the history of America - - clear out of the water. While at the same time cutting giant chunks from his base and his supporters. (This includes: the NRA, Facebook, Twitter and religious institutions.) People will talk about this campaign for decades to come.

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A massive campaign must be waged, target at both Democrats and Republicans and most specifically his core with messages that ANY recipient can relate to.


A multi-pronged media attack utilizing every available platform.


You must treat him as though he will lie, cheat and steal to hold his job. I have a courtroom win rate that is close to 100% due to the fact that I have NEVER underestimated the adversary.